As long as I'm thinking about it, I'd like to take a minute and publish my thoughts about something that really chaps my hide. Literally. Let me explain...
Have you ever had to use the restroom while eating out? I eat out a lot due to the fact that neither I nor my wife can cook. (If my wife is reading this, sorry... But you know it as well as I do!) What makes me mad is that every single restroom in every single restaurant is stocked with the absolute poorest quality toilet paper available to the bulk purchaser.
If you're going to drop $50 bucks for two people to eat at a supposedly upscale restaurant wouldn't you expect that they'd have the consideration to provide at least two-ply T.P. to their clientele? I know for a fact that one stupid piece of lasagna didn't cost $12.99 to prepare. Can't a tiny little miniscule portion of that profit be invested in something that will allow the diner the ability to return to their seat and actually be able to sit down?
Really it's unfair of me to single out restaurants. Every business does this. Have you ever seen one of those dispensers that only allow you to tear one or two squares at a time? How much could an extra few squares of ultra cheap hyper-mega-quadruple-industrial-size roll possibly cost?!!
All of this is just wrong. Wrong I say! Spread the word! Write your representative in congress! Let's all band together and send the message that we will no longer stand idly by and allow this injustice to go unchecked!
Dude, poop before you go out.
A little bowel prep before dinner? Interesting suggestion. On the other hand, I'd much rather soil someone else's bathroom than my own!
This is off to the right start. I'm adding you to my RSS feed, don't disappoint me!
Dear Michael - didn't know anyone could predict/time the frequency or lack thereof of their poop. How nice to have such control. I agree with thenotoriousBen. Sometimes you just get the urge to poop. We all need good toilet paper.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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